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ОG-500 Helium Liquefaction Plant Launch

Система приема, хранения и регазификации СПГ блочный пункт подготовки природного газа для нужд ТЭС-135 при ООО Ставролен Комплекс сжижения природного газа (КСПГ) в п.г.т. Карагай Установка сжижения гелия ОГ-500. г.Оренбург Игора Кингисепп Губкинский Петродворец Сосново

The official opening of a plant designated for production and shipment of liquid helium was held at the Orenburg Helium Refinery. The plant capacity is 500 l/h.

The designing and construction supervision of the Helium Liquefaction Plant was conducted by Cryogastech LLC, Saint Petersburg.

This uniquely complicated but exceptionally interesting project has been implemented in cooperation with LindeKryotechnik AG, Switzerland, that is the supplier of process equipment.

The plant launch allows the Orenburg Helium Refinery to move to a new level and to implement a unified process system for production, extraction, purification and refining of liquid helium.

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